Good research requires thorough preparation. As a researcher you know that. Two basic questions guide your research. What should you look for and what evidence should you gather to make a case? It is useful to define red flags in a preliminary investigation. Then you look for it. Many researchers use this search method. Logical, because you set a clear goal. And that makes your research assignment simple and unambiguous: look for the red flags.

Preliminary research: manual or automated?
In the current digital age – with an extremely large amount of big data – it is an impossible task to perform the entire research manually. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. Even today, an investigation still involves many manual actions. That can be done much more efficiently. For example by using the innovative Noctua research software. This software performs the preliminary red flag search – the most time-consuming part – automatically. In this way, as a researcher, you minimize the chance of errors, speed up the research process and make your work much more enjoyable.
Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI)
If you link digital open, internal and closed sources, you gain access to an immense amount of data. With the help of artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), smart algorithms then dig through these sources in search of red flags. How does the red flag ANI work in practice? The Noctua research software searches for red flags within every digital, KYC, CDD, AML, transaction monitoring. As a researcher, you get to see the results. You can now choose to confirm or ignore.
Support red flag philosophy in the software
An average survey contains many red flag questions. Think of: (inter)national negative news, extreme values in financial ratios or management changes shortly after the foundation. You often simply define these questions in the software. You indicate in which sources the information can be obtained or which sources you want to compare with each other. The software then searches data sources – or the information supplied – for the answers. Digital search according to a fixed system is not only much more logical and simpler. It’s also easier for you to make an informed, fact-based decision.
Notification? Check the red flag
When you use the Noctua research software, you reap the benefits of an automated preliminary research into red flags. More than 100 possible red flags are already defined. If you receive a notification, it is an indication that something may be wrong. You immediately go to the heart of the matter and assess whether there are potential red flags here. If you set up the software properly, you as a researcher have a crystal-clear assignment: check all red flags.
Advantages of research software for red flags
If you use software to search for red flags, it offers many advantages. We would like to list a few:
- Red flag notifications give direction to an investigation.
- Quality of research goes up.
- Optimal support for you as a researcher.
- More fun at work, research almost becomes a game.
Learn more?
Do you want to know more? Make an appointment for a demonstration of the software. Or download the
‘Red flag whitepaper’.