Enhanced due diligence (EDD)

Deep research

Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) is a specific part of the KYC process. The EDD analyst examines (potential) customers and associated risks at a deeper level. These risks do not come to the fore in a normal customer survey. EDD goes beyond CDD and strives for a higher level of identity assurance. For example, the analyst also makes an inventory and analyzes the risk category.

EDD is specifically designed to critically scrutinize high-risk or high-net-worth clients and large transactions. After all, this category of customers and transactions entails greater risks for the financial sector. To exclude these risks, strict regulation and control are therefore crucial.


Noctua supports the following EDD features:
  • Rigorous and robust policies, including evidence and detailed information
  • Detailed documentation of EDD process (preferably with validation of research steps and information sources)
  • Questions with reasonable certainty to calculate KYC risk assessment
  • Special attention to prominent persons for (PEPs), which are at a higher risk because of their position

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