Unlimited due diligence (UDD)

Large-scale research

Unlimited Due Diligence (UDD) is the most comprehensive form of research. An investigation can sometimes take many months. The lack of a fixed structure of investigations means that the software settings must be very flexible. The UDD analyst investigates at all possible levels for all possible signals, including (as yet) unknown signals. From the software point of view, UDD requires the most functionalities of all types of due diligence, in addition, the UDD researcher has all available resources available.

UDD is, among others, carried out by regulators in their investigations into companies that fall under their control. Functionalities of the Noctua software are optimally deployed, alerts, red flags, area scan and additional information about the environment where an entity is located. UDD can even lead to new desired functionalities that are developed and added.


Noctua supports the UDD researcher with:
  • Flexible software settings
  • Dynamic clicking: found data is not static, further research can be done from every new position
  • Customisation: new functionalities are developed for the UDD researcher on request
  • Case management: recording per case

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